Welcome to Atlanta! The 2018 Georgia Area Meeting took place in the Heart of Atlanta, hosted by the Heart and Soul of Atlanta, Eta Sigma Alumnae chapter on the campus of Atlanta Metropolitan State College. The Area Meeting was a site of togetherness filled with Blue and Gold Wonder. Can you image a sea of Sigma woman in one place, one time of year, to tackle Sigma business of the region within our state? This is phenomenal, fun, and informative! Lambda Sigma Sigma is known for gracing the crowds with award winning talent, in keeping with this tradition we claimed two more wins.
Special thanks to our Hospitality Committee Sorors Sylvia Cook, Melissa Evans, Beverly Summers, Nicole McCoy and Mary Brown for their efforts in bringing the vision of the Hospitality Committee to life which in turn caused Lambda Sigma Sigma to win First place in the ‘Table Takeover’ table decorating contest. Our Rhoer Club also won an award for the table decorating contest.
After breakfast Syntaktes Martin presented the Agenda Overview and the State Meeting commenced. During the start of business, Sorors voted on a license plate design to determine a winner of four choices. Followed by International Updates, Centennial Updates, Regional Updates, and a Regional Conference discussion, which preceded the Health and Wellness break. Following the break, there was a Golden Alert Luncheon and a Community Service Presentation. After announcements, there were breakout workshops that lasted the remainder of the meeting, which included Social Media training, Torch training, Advisor’s Round Table, Protocol training, Financial training, and Parliamentary training, which was led by our very own Soror Blackshear. Get ready Sorors, because we’ve got next, as Lambda Sigma Sigma is set to host The 2019 Georgia Area Meeting of which planning is underway.