The Health and Wellness committee would like to welcome you to the 2017-2018 sorority year. This committee was created to develop activities to support healthy living and healthy lifestyles for sorors and friends of Lambda Sigma Sigma. The Health and Wellness committee believes that the everyday choices we make can help us live healthier and happier lives. Throughout the sorority year, we will provide information that will address health matters that affects the mind and body.
Our goal is to educate, motivate and stimulate sorors by providing bits of health education and activities that sorors can incorporate into their daily routines. Information will come to the chapter via a variety of methods, which include social media, the chapter newsletter and chapter meetings. We are so excited to introduce Health Moments and the inaugural Lambda Sigma Sigma Let's Move Challenge.
During the year the committee hopes to work collaboratively with other chapter committees, to infuse health promotion in other chapter functions and activities. The Health and Wellness committee is excited for this upcoming year and we look forward to serving with you all.
The 2017-2018 Health and Wellness Committee Members:
Soror Tashira Jones, Chair
Soror Elecisha Pope- Bradford
Soror Tyneisha Hamilton
Soror Shaundia Johnson
Soror Lisa Gant
Soror Jamilla Stanford
Soror Jerra Mitchell
Soror Karen Russell
Soror Litonya Wilson
Soror Tara Williams
Soror Sylvia Cook
Soror Deborah Brown
Soror Monika Spurley
Soror Luv Brown
Soror Patricia McKenzie