On Sunday, November 12, 1922, on the campus of Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana seven courageous educators launched their vision of a legacy of achievement through higher education and service to their community during a time of extreme racial tension in our nation. Sigma Gamma Rho was created from a desire to create a sorority that would raise the standard of teachers, to give hope, courage, knowledge and inspiration to all women so that they may achieve and know success. Mary Lou Allison Gardner Little, Dorothy Hanley Whiteside, Vivian Irene White Marbury, Nannie Mae Gahn Johnson, Hattie Mae Annette Dulin Redford, Bessie Mae Downey Rhoades Martin and Cubena McClure had a dream and were dedicated to living by high standards and rendering selfless service to their community and youth. This dream became our motto “Greater Service, Greater Progress”.
As we celebrate ninety four years of strong devotion and sincere dedication to the goals of Sigma Gamma Rho, I encourage each Soror to continue to embrace and respect our sisterhood and its values. Our colors Royal Blue and Gold, represent truth and purity. Wear them with pride. Our pledge, motto and symbols remind us of the love, faith and hope we have for our sorority and the true bond of sisterhood. Let us continue to uphold the legacy of our Illustrious Founders as we celebrate them this month and let us continue to dream and enhance the legacy of education and service, not only for the sorority, but in our daily lives.
Yours in sisterhood,
Luv Brown, Epistoleus
Lambda Sigma Sigma Alumnae Chapter

On November 6th, Lambda Sigma Sigma Alumnae Chapter hosted its Inaugural Founders’ Celebration, in which we partnered with the men of Zeta Mu Nu Alumnae Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Special thanks goes to VJ Prodigy for keeping the dance floor jumping, Cigar Terry for providing custom cigars, Devron of Wild2cemedia for providing photos for our guests and capturing a few event highlights and last, but not least, a huge thank you to Sara G. Cole for her fabulous cake creations. After several months of planning and preparation, I think it is safe to say our event was a huge success. We have received great reviews about the success of our event and are excited about hosting more events and our continued journey to promote excellence in Lambda Sigma Sigma style. This event would not have been possible without the dedication and commitment of Sorors Kyana Cannon, Deborah Brown and Luv Brown, who served as the event committee.
Article by: Luvob Brown

In honor of our Founders’, International Grand Basileus Deborah Catchings-Smith said it best “Service is a source of pride and a core value for our members and affiliates who are eager to make positive contributions in the areas where we live and work". During the month of November, we will continue our rich history and legacy of “Greater Service, Greater Progress” by kicking off a month-long initiative to volunteer 7,000 community service hours as well as collect school supplies for Operation Big Book Bag.

In picture above: pictured from left to right: Charlotte Price (Hospitality Co-Chair), Sandra Kelley, International Grand Basileus Deborah Catchings-Smith, Deborah Brown and Elecisha Pope-Bradford.
International Grand Basileus, Deborah Catchings-Smith, was in Atlanta for the National PanHellenic Council’s Parliamentary workshop held on October 29, 2016. One of the functions of the Hospitality Committee is to welcome and meet and greet VIP guests during their visits to the region. Lambda Sigma’s Hospitality Committee, co-chaired by Soror Charlotte Price, along with Sorors Sandra Kelley and Elecisha Pope-Bradford, were a part of that welcome party. There were representatives from each of the metro Atlanta Alumnae chapters on Friday night for Madame Grand’s arrival at the hotel. Lambda Sigma Sigma had the distinct honor and privilege of being the only Atlanta metro chapter that stayed and had dinner with Madame Grand. It was a very intimate dinner where we learned, laughed and bonded with her. Because of our Stand Up, Stand Out efforts, Madame Grand gave our chapter a personal acknowledgement on Facebook the next morning. Madame Grand embodies the spirit of servant leader. During our time with her, she shared her intentions to continue to improve communication and Soror customer service. One of the things she is most proud of is getting the membership cards out to Sorors in a more timely fashion. She shared that the location for the Special Boule has been determined and will be shared by the end of November 2016. The location will be on the Las Vegas strip. On Saturday evening, all five metro chapters had dinner with Madame Grand. She impressed on us the importance of our efforts being intentional, impactful and measurable. Lambda Sigma Sigma continues to do what we do best. We Stand Up and Stand Out in all that we do.
Article by: Elecisha Pope-Bradford
Sigma Spotlight

In honor of Veteran's Day and Founders' Day, we salute our military sorors and educators.
Military Sorors:
Dr. Deborah Brown (Retired)
Natalie Cole (Retired)
Luvob Brown (Retired)
Cheryl Anderson (Active)
Sylvia Cook (Retired)
Lakeysha Daniels-Williams (Retired)
Ashlee Gamble (Retired)
Tiffany Swain (Retired)
Wakenya Ruffin (Retired)
Paulette Bragg, Kelly Byrd, Amy Collins, Lynda Daniel (Retired), Carla Fowler, Eva Hall, Tyneisha Hamilton, Ericka Hooper, Jasmine Jordan, Sandra Kelley, Myrissa Lindsey, Krystina Nelson, Venus Pressley and Amber Singfield.
November 6, 2016 - Cigars & Stilettos
November 11, 2016 - Rededication Ceremony
November 12, 2016 - Sisterhood Day (Dinner & Movie)
November 19, 2016 - Community Service Day
November 20, 2016 - Chapter Meeting
December 3, 2016 - World AIDS Day
December 17, 2016 - Holiday Celebration
November Birthdays
Venue Pressley - 1st
Nichelle Williams - 6th
November Sigmaversaries
Katika Eccleston - 9th
Maryum Hasan-Autry - 11th
Kelly Byrd - 11th
Sylvia Cook - 18th
Natalie Cole - 21st
Kyana Cannon - 29th