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The Golden Gazette

October Highlights:

Area Meeting

Aids Awareness

Chapter Growth

Hattie McDaniel Cancer Initiative

Sigma Spotlight

Upcoming Events

October Birthdays

· Charlotte Price - 7th

· Katika Eccleston - 8th

· Luvob Brown - 27th

October Sigmaversaries

· Sandra Kelley - 14th

· Jade Ingram - 23rd

· Tiffany Swain - 23rd

· Nichelle Williams - 30th



Georgia Area Meeting 2016

The Georgia Area Meeting was held on October 1, 2016 in A​lbany, GA as the first state meeting under the newly elected and appointed Regional leadership. Georgia Area Coordinator, Soror Romonda Middlebrooks-Jefferson, served as meeting facilitator. It was a day filled with education, sharing and sisterhood bonding. The morning session was led by Syntaktes Jakimva Martin sharing the new International administration’s vision for the sorority as we move toward Centennial in 2022. Highlights include 1,000 hours of community service in November for our 94th Founder’s Day and incentive levels for chapter growth with a target Sorority goal of 8,000 Sorors for calendar year 2016 - 2017. The highlight of the afternoon session was T.O.R.C.H. training, incorporating changes from the 56th Boule. Lambda Sigma Sigma represented proudly with 29 Sorors in attendance. The chapter was one of the highest represented chapters at the meeting. We lived up once again to our chapter motto of “Stand Up and Stand Out”.

Article By: Elecisha Pope-Bradford



It was a beautiful afternoon for a stroll in the park on Sunday, October 16, 2016. Over 20 Sorors and Affiliates of the Metropolitan Atlanta Alumnae Chapters of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. showed up to Piedmont Park to run, walk and volunteer for the AIDS Walk Atlanta 2016 in order to show support for HIV/AIDS awareness, education and prevention. “The Sigma Gamma Rho’s are deep today”, commented one AIDS Walk volunteer. As the Blue and Gold “1-9-2-2” balloons proceeded down Piedmont Ave, there was no doubt that Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. was there to provide Greater Service in the Atlanta metro community and we did just that. The metro chapters raised $1,340.00 in funds to benefit AID Atlanta and 7 participating organizations that help those living with HIV/AIDS and that work to prevent the future spread of the virus. The metro Atlanta Alumnae Chapters’ team grew to 30 registered members with 10 of those members coming from Lambda Sigma Sigma.

On Sunday, we had seven Sorors “Stand Up and Stand Out” in the walk and volunteer efforts. You’ll even find Soror L. Brown on the AIDS Walk Atlanta & 5K Run Facebook Page by viewing the album from the day’s events. There is still time to donate through November 30, 2016 via the metro Atlanta Chapters’ team link at:

For every $125 raised, that support could provide STD testing and treatment for 1 person or rapid HIV tests and counseling for 5 people.

For more information about HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention efforts in Atlanta, visit

Article submitted by Soror CheryL Anderson



Greetings Sorors,

What a beautiful day to be a member of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated!!!

We are ecstatic about the growth of our chapter. We have officially grown to 50 active members of our chapter and I am proud to say that, to date, 17 Sorors have been reclaimed or transferred into Lambda Sigma Sigma

Alumnae Chapter for sorority year 2016-2017!!!

We are truly growing!!!!

I would like to “Welcome” the following Sorors to Lambda Sigma Sigma Alumnae Chapter for the 2016-2017 sorority year!

1. Amy Collins

2. Sylvia Cook

3. Lynda Daniel

4. Katika Eccleston

5. Jenee Harris

6. Jade Ingram

7. Kellontreia Jackson

8. Olivia Johnson

9. Marcia Jones

10. Jasmine Jordan

11. Krystina Nelson

12. Venus Pressley

13. Charlotte Price

14. Rishirio Rolley

15. Amber Singfield

16. Tiffany Swain

17. Taylor White

I also want to welcome back returning Sorors from last year’s membership roster!! Lambda Sigma Sigma Alumnae Chapter is excited, equipped and ready to move forward in handling the business of Sigma.

On Sunday, October 23, 2016, the final business of our chapter meeting will be an official welcome ceremony for our new members and an undergraduate to graduate members’ induction ceremony for all Sorors who recently graduated from their undergraduate chapter.

As we move forward into the sorority year, the membership committee looks forward to serving our chapter to support the sorority’s R3 membership initiatives.

Lambda Sigma Sigma…..

Stand Up ~ Stand Out!!

Soror Deborah Brown

Anti-Basileus (Membership Chair)


October is the month established to bring attention to Breast Cancer Awareness. We need to be diligent in our everyday awareness of breast cancer. Breast cancer affects thousands of women and yes, even men, but it also affects every individual associated with the person diagnosed with this disease. It takes a collective effort to fight this disease and support the individuals who have breast cancer. Our strongest defense is knowledge about the disease and making every effort to stop the process as early as possible.

· One in eight women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer in herlifetime.

· On an average, every 2 minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer and 1 woman will die of this disease every 13 minutes.

· Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among women.

Hope: Over 2.8 million breast cancer survivors are alive in the U.S. today. Breast cancer death rates have dropped 36% since 1989 which translates to 249,000 breast cancer deaths averted. The declining rate can be attributed to better screening, early detection, increased awareness and ongoing improving treatment options. Risk factors, prevention and early detection are key considerations surrounding breast cancer.

· Obesity and excess weight increase your risk of developing breast cancer. It is important that we maintain a healthy weight throughout our life.

· Reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption. The American Cancer Society recommends limiting your alcohol consumption to one drink per day.

· Breast cancer treatments are more likely to be successful the earlier it is detected. The American Cancer Society recommends that women should have yearly mammograms by age 45. They also recommend that women should have the choice to start screening as early as age 40.

Five Steps of a Breast Self Exam

1. Look at your breast in the mirror with your shoulders straight and your arms on your hips. Know your shape and color. Look for even shapes without distortion or swelling.

2. Raise your arms and look for the same changes. Look for any fluid coming out of your nipples. This could be watery, milky or yellow or blood.

3. Look for any signs of any fluid coming out of your nipples. This could be watery, milky, yellow or blood.

4. Feel your breast while lying down, using your right hand/fingers to feel your left breast and then your left hand/fingers to feel your right breast. Use a firm, smooth touch with the first few finger pads of your hand, keeping the fingers flat and together. Use a circular motion to your cleavage. Cover your entire breast from top to bottom and then side to side from your collarbone to the top of your abdomen, and from your armpit to your cleavage. Establish a pattern to cover your whole breast.

5. Feel your breasts while you are standing or sitting. Another way is while in the shower feel your breast while your skin is wet and slippery. Cover your entire breast.

Get intimate with yourself and examine your breasts! If you see or feel anything suspicious during your self-exams, see your doctor. Schedule your annual mammogram and keep your appointment. Educate yourself and do your self exams often. Consider donating to breast cancer research.


Sigma Spotlight - Gloria Badejo

Soror Gloria Cherry Badejo was born and raised in Toledo, Ohio and the youngest of 5 siblings. She is a 1975 graduate of Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio with a Bachelors of Science in Education. She joined Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. while an undergraduate, on December 1, 1973. She enjoys being with family and friends, traveling, the beach, reading fiction, adventures and volunteering in her community.

Soror Badejo has been a breast cancer survivor since 1995. She recalls experiencing pain in her left breast and contacted her physician and was directed to have a mammogram. The mammogram showed a suspicious calcification in her breast. A biopsy confirmed it was a malignant tumor. After two surgeries, six weeks of radiation and five years of adjunct therapy, Soror Badejo remains cancer free. She is very passionate about providing support to women going through the early phases of breast cancer and encourages regular testing and self exams. She often accompanies individuals to doctor visits for moral support while receiving their initial consultation and continues to provide support throughout the process. She believes that early intervention and her strong faith in God were the keys to her survival. In addition, she feels that you must assemble a positive support team, which includes your health care providers, nutritionist, family/friends and whatever spiritual beliefs you have. She often states that "you must be an active participant in all aspects of your life" and feels all of this will help to increase the chances of a positive outcome. She does advocate "the earlier the intervention the better the outcome and keep the "normal" in your life.

Gloria’s Favorite Scripture:

"Rejoice in the Lord always. Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God, And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ." Philippians 4:4-7

Article By: Luv Brown



October 23, 2016 - Chapter Meeting

October 27, 2016 - Breast Cancer Zumbathon

October 29, 2016- Yard Sale

November 6, 2016 - Cigars & Stilettos

November 11, 2016 - Rededication Ceremony

November 12, 2016 - Founders’ Day

November 18, 2016 - Community Service Day

November 20, 2106 - Chapter Meeting

November 24, 2016 - Divine Faith Thanksgiving Dinner


© 2024 by Lambda Sigma Sigma Alumnae Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. 

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