Happy Founders Day!!!!
Seven college aged women decided to create a legacy of achievement through higher education and service to their community. They would dream of a better way of life for children and the community they would eventually live. These 7 women decided to share their vision with other professionals and friends. The end result was the establishment of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, a Greek letter organization for Teachers, on November 12, 1922 at Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana and Normal School in Terre Haute, Indiana. From the date of inception to the present, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority has continued to dream and bring to reality the initial legacy of achievement through higher education and service to our communities for the last 93 years. Thank you Founders of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.:
Nannie Mae G. Johnson
Mary Lou Gardner Little
Vivian White Marbury
Bessie R. Martin
Cubena McClure
Hattie Mae Dulin Redford
Dorothy Hanley Whiteside
Sorors of Lambda Sigma Sigma, we have much more to celebrate other then Founders Day and Thanksgiving this month. We finally have a website: www.lambdasigmasigma1922.org. Kudos to all of you that contributed your thoughts and ideas but special thanks to Soror Luv Brown for making our dream become a reality.
You are reading another reason to celebrate, our newsletter. The newsletter is for our chapter and if you have any topics for discussion or items of interest, please feel free to submit your suggestions prior to the 15th of each month, to me or Soror L. Brown. If anyone is interested in working on the newsletter please make your interest known.
Our newsletter will require a name and we welcome your suggestions. Please submit your suggestions to me and we will discuss them at our December, 2015 business meeting.
As we celebrate our founders this month and give thanks, let us continue to dream and enhance our legacy of education and service, not only for the sorority but in our daily lives.
Yours in sisterhood,
Gloria Badejo
Lambda Sigma Sigma Chapter, Epistoleus